God and Galileo: The Tale of the Two Books

The tale of the two books is as old as mankind itself.

From the beginning of time, we have sought to understand our universe and our place in it through the means of natural observation and spiritual revelation.

Now, with the rise of modern science and the ease of access to the Bible, that tale has taken on a new intensity.

As our world becomes more polarised, the push and pull between the camps of science and scripture becomes more apparent, as each professes their own truth to be incompatible with the other.

At Reasons to Believe Africa, we believe in the truth of nature as revealed through science and the nature of truth as revealed in the Bible, and as we examine these two books with careful study and contemplation, we end up not confused by an endless list of contradictions but rather amazed by the single, harmonious truth presented through both.

In our various fields of study, we see in practice how the God of the Bible sustains the entire universe by the very power of His being. As Paul said, “In Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28).

So, we invite you to join us on this intriguing journey of discovery as we attempt to bridge the gap between science and scripture, in the hope of cultivating a faith that appeals to the minds of its bearers as it has appealed to the hearts of all those who have gone before.

Because faith is not a leap into the dark.. oh no!

It is with reasons that we do believe.


Reasons to Believe Africa Podcast | Episode 1 | Giovanni Fazio


Introducing Reasons to Believe Africa