Should Christians argue about their views on Genesis 1? Should they have any views on Genesis 1 and Creation in the first place?
DeWet Ferreira DeWet Ferreira

Should Christians argue about their views on Genesis 1? Should they have any views on Genesis 1 and Creation in the first place?

Should Christians dialogue with one another about their personal interpretations of Genesis 1? Should they have any views on Genesis 1 and upon the Creation in the first place? This article is the first in a series aimed to help Christians find their bearings among the many varied opinions expounded by Bible-believing adherents about Creation - and the interpretation of Genesis 1 (and 2).

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Building Puzzles with the Cosmos
Celeste Johnson Celeste Johnson

Building Puzzles with the Cosmos

Deception is often subtle at first, and being wrong from time to time is part of the human condition; but as we can see from these two examples there are certain perils in approaching either the Book of Scripture or the Book of Nature with a narrow-minded view.

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Breathless Bots
Nikolaos Anastasopoulos Nikolaos Anastasopoulos

Breathless Bots

Exploring the limits of artificial intelligence and the summit of human intelligence.

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My Visit with Professor Stephen Hawking
David Block David Block

My Visit with Professor Stephen Hawking

“I imagine what happens to human consciousness when we die is much like turning off a computer. I don’t believe in a heaven for computers. I think the afterlife is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.” - Stephen Hawking

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